Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pick of the Day # 3

About this time of year my skin gets dry. Really dry. My hands look like I should be about twenty years older than I am. My skin feels tight and itchy. I'm hoping I'm not alone in this malady, but judging by my husband's cracked, bleeding knuckles I'm not...

I've tried so many different lotions that promised to take care of the problem. None of them really delivered, at least not for long. About the best was "Satin Hands" by Mary Kay, and I'm not even sure they sell it anymore. Even if they do, I don't think it was the product as much as the method.

And so I shall share with you the very best method I've found for winter's inevitable dry skin.

3. Coconut Oil and Sugar

You can find it in the pharmacy area or sometimes in the cooking oils section of the grocery store. It comes as a rather hard, white substance that will confuse you if you've never seen it before. But magical things happen when you put the jar in a bowl of warm water for a bit. It will soften right up. You can let it melt all the way to a liquid and use it directly on your skin in the shower and you will definitely enjoy the softness for a good day or two. (Be careful - it can make the floor of the shower a little slippery!) I've even been known to slather it all over my children after their bath. They giggle and try to eat it.

But the very best way to utilize coconut oil is to soften it just a bit, then put it in a bowl with a generous scoop of sugar, brown or white. Mix it up well, and add a drop or two of rosemary essential oil if you have some. (You can get essentials oils at Whole Foods Market or something similiar, but we'll get into that another day...) Take this with you when you shower, and scrub every dry inch of you with it. Rinse it off, and discover the softest skin you've probably had since you were a baby!

Coconut Oil has a light, fresh scent, and is also healthy to cook with. If you've never tried it before, it's time!

(The first place I heard about the uses of coconut oil was Ginger Garrett's book "Beauty Secrets of the Bible" which is a definite must read! You can find the link in my "LibraryThing" on the main blog.)

If you're too lazy for all the work I just suggested, then I've also found that Noah's Naturals has a wonderful new product line called "Acai Body Care" and the Body Cream smells really good and does a great job on dry skin. I found it at Walmart, it seems to be hard to find online yet. Here's the Noah's Naturals website link:

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